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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bruce Wilkinson: The Secrets of the Vine (2002)

This series of four sessions teaches some profound truths based on John: 15, "I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser", and how Jesus symbolically used the grapevine to illustrate His words. "Secrets of the Vine" was Dr. Wilkinson's second book in his "Breakthrough Series" (the best-seller "The Prayer of Jabez" was the first, "A Life God Rewards" the third)), and he demonstrates on a vine that is part of the set just how a vinedresser trains and prunes the vine for optimum fruit, and compares God's discipline and pruning (though they may feel the same, are quite different), and how God uses each for opposite purposes.

The fruit of the vine symbolizes "good works", and the set also includes four big baskets, that contain from zero grapes to brimming with clusters, and the four "Sessions" are on how we can get from the empty basket to the destiny God has in store for us, and have a life overflowing with goodness by following His will.
Dr. Wilkinson has inspired me in my walk with the Lord, and I find his series of films a great help. Biblically based and put forth in a format that is well organized, these Sessions can be heard repeatedly, with more to be gained with each viewing, and are excellent for personal use or a small study group.
Total running time is 229 minutes.
"I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). 

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