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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tracy's Choices (1998)

Tracy’s Choices is the true story about the decisions we make in life!

Tracy is an example of a young person, filled with promise and possibilities, who consistently made the wrong choices. This is a film that reminds viewers – you aren’t just a victim of your past or of circumstances – there is a need for accountability and for personal responsibility. People need to know they are NOT invincible, it can happen to you, and some of the choices you make today can kill you. Tracy’s Choices is a very warm, sensitive and touching presentation including humor, original music, and extensive visuals.

Tracy was arrested by Lt. Jim Mays in a “sting” operation, and sent to prison. But Jim was also instrumental in Tracy’s decision to put her faith and trust in Jesus Christ. As a result, her life completely changed. However, the years of alcohol and drug abuse were taking their toll. The Governor of Illinois granted Tracy a full pardon, and she returned from prison to die. But she didn’t die, not right away, and Tracy used the last months of her life to help as many young people as possible, avoid some of the mistakes she had made in her life.

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