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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

David & Goliath (2005)

David & Goliath maintains and even exceeds the high standards found throughout Lightstone’s Liken series. It combines the whimsy and humor of Veggie Tales, the musical genius and great performances of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, and some very touching moments that will bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye.

Kids will enjoy this movie (mine love it), but it is not really a kids’ movie. The movie explores the contrast between the anguish of King Saul, who is no longer following God’s commands, with young David, who is. The dynamic between these two is very well portrayed by Daniel Beck and Spencer Forsey. In addition we see the contrast between Goliath, who relies on physical strength and prowess, and David, who relies on God.

You will love David and Saul’s duet, and later David’s bold song as he comes to challenge Goliath. But not all songs are serious. When David proposes that he be sent to fight Goliath, we get a real toe-tappin’ dixieland jazz number “Give me just one chance to prove he’s just a man.”

Thurl Bailey makes a fantastic Goliath. His main musical number, “I am Goliath” is both dramatic and beautiful. You almost hate to see him go down when David fights him. But be prepared for an unexpected twist toward the end of the movie.

The story is told from the point of view of a kid’s imagination, allowing fun gags like David encountering a modern orchestral harp before the harp size is corrected in the kid’s mind. Even so, this movie keeps very well to the true history of King David’s early years, deviating in only one or two minor ways.

Everything is handled completely tastefully, including the Philistines’ challenge and David’s battle with Goliath, so parents will feel completely comfortable with their kids enjoying this movie. Only you may have to stop them after the 50th viewing and suggest they watch something different this time.

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