This exciting sequel to the classic Christian film Pilgrim’s Progress, based on the book by John Bunyan, begins as Christiana, her three children, and their neighbor journey to the Celestial City. An adventure-packed pilgrimage becomes a living parable.
Christiana, who had earlier scoffed at her husband, truly repents of her sins and is rewarded with glowing faith and confidence. Mercy, the accompanying neighbor, is plagued with doubts. Christiana’s daughter, Credence, and sons Avail and Avow, grow in the Christian experience as they follow their mother’s example. This film includes memorable sequences in which a concerned mother guards and guides her children.
At Doubting Castle, intrigued to enter its walls by a demon masquerading as a royal page, Mercy at last takes firm grip upon the promises of the Bible.
Then, at Pilgrim’s Rest, the entire group discovers the meaning of the verse, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Christiana, who had earlier scoffed at her husband, truly repents of her sins and is rewarded with glowing faith and confidence. Mercy, the accompanying neighbor, is plagued with doubts. Christiana’s daughter, Credence, and sons Avail and Avow, grow in the Christian experience as they follow their mother’s example. This film includes memorable sequences in which a concerned mother guards and guides her children.
At Doubting Castle, intrigued to enter its walls by a demon masquerading as a royal page, Mercy at last takes firm grip upon the promises of the Bible.
Then, at Pilgrim’s Rest, the entire group discovers the meaning of the verse, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
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