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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finding Faith (2013)

Finding Faith is based on a compilation of actual events that Sheriff Mike Brown has investigated through his Internet Crimes Against Children task force. In a recent Safe Surfin’ Foundation Public Service Announcement, one such victim courageously told the story of how she was abducted by a child predator and how she remained captive for three days before being rescued by the police.

She was last seen near her home in rural Virginia. The last contact her family had with her was seeing her walk down their driveway talking on her cell phone. The victim was met at the end of the driveway by two people who forced her into a pick-up truck at knife point. She was abducted and held hostage until police rescued her in Pittsburgh, PA.

Michael Brown, Sheriff of Bedford County, Virginia, explains, “This abduction occurred through the use of a cell phone and the new technology allowing kids to chat via these new smart phones.” The victim had been texting and chatting for several weeks by cell phone with someone she believed to be a 16 year-old boy. She felt the relationship was innocent and frequently chatted with the boy about normal teenage troubles. But the person she was chatting with was not really 16; he was actually a 38-year old man who disguised himself as the boy. He and a female companion drove over 400 miles from his home in Pittsburgh to abduct their victim.

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