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Thursday, June 12, 2014

LA Marzulli: The Watchers 6

L.A. Marzulli has now gone where few men have gone before. Frustrated by the cover-ups that have relegated the Nephilim to nothing more than a fascinating fable, Marzulli and a group of archaeologists, scientists, videographers and Bible scholars traveled to the ancient jungles of Peru to examine and expose the evidence of the GIANTS.
Ancient Peruvian cities show evidence of massive Nephilim architecture, suggesting supernatural strength and advanced technology. They found skeletons tucked away in private museums and perhaps a critical missing link. Were the Nephilim building a worldwide network of energized power centers, intent on controlling the population? Were they using Earth s energized ley lines and their advanced knowledge of the heavens to accomplish their goal of world domination?
Prepare to be amazed by this one-of-a kind adventure into another place in time. The Watchers Series has captured the imagination of the public in a way few DVDs have. This latest adventure to Peru was a once-in-a-lifetime, life-changing event for L.A. and the men who accompanied him on the trip. They brought back the shocking pictures and video that prove their case. Contrary to evolutionary theory, these ancient Giants once roamed the earth. They walked the jungles of Peru and many other faraway lands, fleeing the Promised Land under Joshua s order to wipe them off of the face of the Earth. Wow! What an adventure! All captured on video by L.A. s talented video producer, Richard Shaw. Don t miss this DVD.

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